Commission Advances

Are you a real estate agent who wishes there was an easy way to avoid having to wait weeks and weeks to get paid after you have already done all the hard work of generating a lead, showing houses and writing & negotiating a deal?

Would having access to your next commission check NOW rather than weeks from now help you to cover bills between now & then, or help you to be able to continue to grow your business? This is where Direct Lending Partners Commission Advance program comes in! We can fund you within 24 hours of your request!

We will advance you your commission on any real estate closing in the next 60 days. We are easy to work with and understand the challenge of balancing financials between commission checks. Our Fee Structure is simple with no hidden expense.

Loans available in Pennsylvania and New Jersey Only

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Criteria & Guidelines

Terms & Guidelines

Loan Request Turnaround 24 hour
Processing & Closing Time 24 hours of signed documents
Loan Amounts Up to 80% of commission check
Closing Date Up to 60 days from date of loan


Advance Amount 0-30 Days 31-45 Days 45-60 Days 61-90 Days
$1,000 $199 $239 $269 $389
$2,000 $299 $379 $439 $679
$3,000 $399 $519 $609 $969
$4,000 $499 $659 $779 $1259
$5000 $599 $799 $949 $1549
$6000 $699 $939 $1119 $1839
$7000 $799 $1079 $1289 $2129
$8000 $899 $1219 $1459 $2419
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