Take the aggravation out of searching for the right lender who understands your deal and situation, has the best terms and fees and can get you funded all in the shortest time period possible. Allied, with it's flexible lending group, loan products and lending platform is able to quickly analyze the specific needs of your deal and provide the the right funding solution for you.
for residential or commercial properties, then this may be the product for you. We offer both 3, 5 & 7 year fixed rates based on a 30 year amortization. Our lending group requires a minimum 650 credit score & and a full appraisal on the property. Limited borrower financial documentation is required, We fund up to 70-75% of the property appraised value fast and with no hassles. This loan product funds on a current appraised value, not an after repair/improvements value.
If you are looking for a loan for a rehab, see rehab funding. If you are looking to lock in financing for the next 3-5 years with rates significantly lower than “hard money”, this may be the loan program for you.
A Loan Specially Designed For Residential & Commercial Property Flippers! Purchase and Rehab that non-owner occupied Single or Multi-family residential property with our 6 or 12 month interest only Acquisition & Construction loan. Whether funding your Partnership, Corporate Entity or you individually we focus primarily on the value of the real estate deal. Our flexible underwriting approach allows us to make a loan with rates and credit scores as low as 10% and 600 respectively. And with our generous loan limits of $10,000.00 to $2 million dollars per deal you be able to acquire the funds you need on most any flip deal. We will also fund certain commercial mixed use projects on a case-by-case basis with this product. PRE-APPROVAL & PROOF OF FUNDS LETTERS AVAILABLE
Loan Details...Allied Capital Advisers provides bridge funding to experienced real estate investors on a case-by-base basis. If you need the funds to bridge yourself to get a project complete and/or refinanced with a permanent lender institution Allied Capital Advisers is there for you. Typically we are able to fund up to a maximum of 85% of the stabilized or after repair value of the property. Secondary collateral may also be required.
Loan Details...Up To 100% Joint Venture Funding
Have a great deal but need capital? We will provide up to 100% of the capital to do the project in a Joint Venture? Have you had past issues that now make it close to impossible for you to get funding in your name? Tired of wholesaling deals and giving up almost all the profits? Allied’s Joint Venture program is your solution!
Loan Details...