Real Estate Investing Just Got Easy!

Our eFunding platform allows investors to make debt or preferred equity investments in opportunities that were historically difficult to find or required a prohibitive financial investment.

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Earn 12-14% average returns

Build a portfolio of high-yield real estate

Directly access real estate investments in top US markets spanning the length of the risk-return spectrum and earn 12-14% average returns. With minimums as low as $5,000, building a diversified real estate portfolio that fits your goals has never been easier

With minimums as low as $5,000, building a diversified real estate portfolio that fits your goals has never been easier

Fewer middlemen, lower fees

Lower fees mean better returns

Our revolutionary direct approach uses technology to reduce the number of traditional middlemen, cutting down on overall fees. We pass this cost savings on to our investors, which means you get better returns on the same real estate investments.

Investing with Confidence

We underwrite every investment

Every Allied investment undergoes a thorough due diligence process by our experienced underwriting team. Of the hundreds of projects reviewed each month, fewer than 25% quilify and are approved. We believe in the quality of our investments so we pre-fund each one with our own balance sheet before offering them to investors. This means that our money is in the same position as yours.

Our simple investment process

Start building your portfolio in minutes

  • STEP 1 Open Your Account
    Create a free investor account in seconds. Invest as an individual or through an entity. Set personalized preferences for geography, product type and risk profile.

  • Explore detailed information for each offering including risk rating, project financials, market summary, and management’s track record; find investments that are right for your goals and strategy.

  • Choose from an inventory of offerings to build a custom diversified portfolio. Invest through our simple and secure online process in a matter of minutes. E-sign documents and transfer funds via electronic check.

  • Stay updated on the performance of your investments and easily access tax documents via your personalized dashboard. We’ll auto-transfer interest and earnings to your bank account.

  • Take your earnings and reinvest them into future offerings.
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